Saturday, March 14, 2009

Combo-pots continued...

This photo was sent to us by a customer and it features two great coleus companions: Impatiens and Ipomoea (sweet potato vine). Garden-variety impatiens that can be purchased inexpensively by the flat in the spring are a marvelous filler for coleus pots and beds since they do well in the same conditions and they come in an huge variety of colors and sizes. Ipomoea vines also come in a nice range of colors and leaf shapes, and the fact that they are such vigorous growers helps when you want a vine that trails longer than any trailing coleus. This photo features a beautiful 'Big Chief' coleus partnered with white impatiens and bronze and chartreuse sweet potato vines. The white impatiens cools the combination and really makes it pop out of the background late in the afternoon when some of the other plants are fading with the light. To get the opposite effect, imagine a red impatiens in this pot for a hot combination!

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